FNR & MOAST Creative Studios

After movie of the Researchers' Days 2018.

Don’t miss the chance to interact and motivate future generations of scientists and share the passion that got you into research by offering them a hands-on science workshop!

The event fosters the direct exchange between researchers and the public by offering researchers multiple ways to demonstrate their fields of science in a fun way.

All scientific disciplines are welcome

Whether you are a researcher, engineer or science communicator, whether you are working in the public or private sector, in Luxembourg or as a Luxembourger abroad, we invite you to submit your proposals for a science workshop. (Note: no Science Cafés will be offered this edition)

All scientific disciplines are invited to participate.

3 Days of Researchers' Days

This year, a special change awaits: secondary school classes can join for two days, Thursday to Friday! On Saturday, the Researchers’ Days open to the general public as usual.

Thursday 28 November: 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 
exclusively for secondary school classes

Friday 29 November 2022: 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
exclusively for secondary school classes

Saturday 30 November 2022: 10:00 a.m. - 7 p.m.
science workshops for all 

Call deadline

Please send us your proposals – using the online application form (English or French) on www.researchersdays.lu – by Monday, 19 February at the latest

Detailed information may be found in the Call document.

The success of previous editions was down to the quality of the activities put forward by the collaborating and contributing researchers and other participants in the field of science and research in Luxembourg. We hope that you will support us again with the same enthusiasm than in previous editions and that many of you will respond to our Call for Proposals! 

Author: FNR

About the Researchers' Days

The Researchers' Days are organised every two years by the Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR). In 2016, the event moved from the Carré Rotondes to the Rockhal in Esch-Belval. The 2018 event counted 31 interactive workshops, 5 Science Cafés and over 6500 visitors over the two days! 

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